Monday, May 14, 2012

Stage 3 of 1959 Chevy truck: Bed and Cab

Here is the bed of the truck. This very original and artistic design and sculpt dubbed 'The Tiki God"  was created by my boss Mr. Boyd.
Tiki God after some tricky staining.
Bed all put together, super awesome!

The cab has been sandblasted and all the holes (50+) have been welded up.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Stage 2 of 1959 Chevy truck: Sandblasting & Priming

  • Today I sandblasted half the frame...
Finally finished sandblasting! Down to the bare clean steel.
Before and After (B&A): Upper A-arms & shocks
B&A: Lower A-arms
Door Panels
Looking good in some black primer!

Odd Jobs

Replacing rear drum brake pads.